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Vista Bootcamp e Parallels beta2


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ormai sono in molti quelli che provano ad installare vista sul mac, quindi scrivo una piccola F.A.Q. per quei pochi che prima di postare usano la funzione "cerca"!

D)ho installato vista con bootcamp, dove trovo i driver?

R)collegati ad internet trammite ethernet e lascia che windows si scarichi i driver da solo

D)il cd creato da bootcamp serve a qualcosa?

R)copia "Install Macintosh Drivers for Windows XP.exe" dal CD nel disco rigido, apri una shell e scrivi "c:\Install Macintosh Drivers for Windows XP.exe /A /v" si aprirà l'installer e chiederà dove scompattare i driver... poi cerca 2 eseguibili tra i file scompattati e mettili in esecuzione automatica (appletime e quacosa di simile)

D)che filesystem usa vista?

R)ntfs! non è possinbile fare un'installazione di vista su fat32

D)che periferiche non vengono riconosciute sotto vista?

R)isight e remote

D)ho installato vista su parallels, come faccio ad attiare aero?

R)non si può!

D)L'ultima beta di parallels?

R)rc2 3150

Release Candidate 2 Milestone. RC2 contains a ton of long-awaited features, such as the ability to burn CDs and DVDs (from inside Parallels) and “Drag and Drop†support. Parallels gives us an idea of what the newest build contains.

NEW! USB 2.0 support - “Plug and play†popular USB devices like external hard drives, printers, scanners and web cameras including iSight at full native speed.

NEW! Full-feature virtual CD/DVD drive - Burn CDs and DVDs directly in virtual machines, and play any copy-protected CD or DVD just like you would on a real PC

NEW! Coherence - The groundbreaking feature that lets you run Windows applications without seeing Windows just got better!

NEW! Better Boot Camp support - Using your Boot Camp partition in Parallels Desktop is now easier than ever. RC2’s Boot Camp support includes:

Full support for FAT32 and NTFS partitions

Easy offline configuration. Simply tell Parallels Desktop that you want to create a virtual machine from a Boot Camp Partition and click start. No complicated set up required!

No need to re-activate Windows each time you switch between Boot Camp and Parallels. Activate Windows only once inside Parallels and work in both environments

NEW! For advanced users: configurating the layout of Boot Camp partitions by manual editing of Virtual Machine's .pvs configuration file.

IMPORTANT! It is not possible to suspend a Virtual Machine that is connected to Boot Camp as it could result in an unstable system.

VERY IMPORTANT! Beta1 (build 3036) users must boot natively into Boot Camp and uninstall Parallels Tools for Boot Camp prior to running it in RC2 (build 3150).

NEW! Transporter RC2 bundled - migrate your real Windows PC, or existing VMware or Virtual PC VMs to Parallels virtual machines!

IMPORTANT! Previous Beta users MUST upgrade their Transporter package on their Windows source machine before using Transporter in RC2. Failing to do so may result in a system crash and loss of data

NEW! Added keyboard remapping configuration

New Look and Feel - completely redesigned windows and easier to follow dialogues to make Desktop for Mac more user-friendly than ever

NEW! True “Drag and Drop†functionality - a long awaited feature that lets you seamlessly drag and drop files and folders from Windows to Mac OS X and vice versa. Parallels Desktop now shares the entire Mac file structure between OS X and Windows - no more worrying about which copy of the file is the most recently updated!

Read/Write Boot Camp partition - use your Apple Boot Camp Partition as a virtual HDD for Parallels Desktop for Mac

Virtual Machine Catalogue - now all of your virtual machines are available through a centralized VM catalogue which appears on each Parallels Desktop for Mac instance

One-click Virtual Machine Aliases - automatically create a desktop shortcut for your virtual machine with the OS Installation Assistant, by dragging-and-dropping from title bar, or by pressing Command-Option keys combination. Clicking on Alias automatically starts the Virtual Machine

Resizable Main Window - resize the Parallels Desktop for Mac main window as you do with any other Mac application

Auto-Adjusting Screen Resolution - Windows auto-adjusts its screen resolution to the actual main window size

Improved graphic performance - up to 50% faster!

Connect/disconnect USB devices schema improved - no more annoying “wait 5-10 seconds†message on USB device connecting to Parallels Desktop for Mac!

Up to 5 Virtual NICs - now each Virtual Machine can have up to five virtual network interfaces

Enhanced Shared Networking Mode - run Cisco VPN and many other complex networking applications in conjunction with Connection Sharing Mode

NEW! Lots of various fixes

Still no full DirectX support

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ipod 3g 20gb

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