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Speriamo la Florida regga......:ghghgh::ghghgh:

"Povero Senatore, e allora come fa, chissà come si deve sentire adesso!"

"Ah ah, esattamente come un uomo che avendo avuto per dieci anni un parroco sullo stomaco, è costretto a viaggiare con un Monsignore sulla testa!".

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Piccolo ritardo.......:shock:

"Povero Senatore, e allora come fa, chissà come si deve sentire adesso!"

"Ah ah, esattamente come un uomo che avendo avuto per dieci anni un parroco sullo stomaco, è costretto a viaggiare con un Monsignore sulla testa!".

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Ciao Pier!!:shock::ghghgh:

Edit: Time Capsule.......:mad:

"Povero Senatore, e allora come fa, chissà come si deve sentire adesso!"

"Ah ah, esattamente come un uomo che avendo avuto per dieci anni un parroco sullo stomaco, è costretto a viaggiare con un Monsignore sulla testa!".

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Posto qualche pezzettino così per riassumere un po' il tutto.


9:18AM - "These two things together make up Time Capsule -- really nice. You can back up your notebook wirelessly to TC. You can backup ALL the Macs in your house wirelessly to one Time Capsule. It's really wonderful. We're gonna sell it in two versions."

"One with a 500GB drive, one with a 1TB drive inside it -- $299, and $499. Very aggressive prices because we want people backing up! Ships in Feb." Mild applause.

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:shock: ... Hai una nuova filiale papero?


Il firmware 1.0.3 dell'iPhone è esattamente come era stato mostrato nel video di rumors: Google Maps con posizionamento, home personalizzabile etc.

But what about hte iPod touch. What can we do for the touch? We decided to add five apps to the touch. Mail, maps, stocks, notes, and weather!

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"Povero Senatore, e allora come fa, chissà come si deve sentire adesso!"

"Ah ah, esattamente come un uomo che avendo avuto per dieci anni un parroco sullo stomaco, è costretto a viaggiare con un Monsignore sulla testa!".

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Questo farà incazzare parecchi:

"All the same stuff we just heard about on the iPhone -- on the iPod touch. Starting today we're going to build it into every new iPod touch, for existing iPod touch users it's going to be just a $20 upgrade." EXCUSE me?! You have to PAY for this? This is SO weak.

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Rental Movies:

"What's it going to cost? To rent a library title will cost $2.99 -- new release? $3.99" Big applause.

Touchstone, MGM, Miramax,... and these six too. Lions Gate, Fox, WB, Walt Disney, Paramount, Universal,

"Watch instantly! In less than 30s..." it streams. "The rules -- you have 30 days to start watching it, and once you start you have 24 hours to watch and finish it. As many times as you want. You can transfer films to another device in the middle -- transfer to your iPod and watch the rest on the iPod on your flight."

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Nuova Apple tv:

Here's what you can do with Apple TV: rent movies directly on widescreen TV with Apple TV. Rent them in DVD quality, rent them in HD with 5.1" HUGE applause! Screaming.

"All these features and an entirely new UI."

HD movies, $3.99 and $4.99 -- there are over 100 titles available today.

He's renting the movie, downloading, "it'll tell me when it's ready to play. So I hit the play button and it'll play!"

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