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Aiuto system.reg!


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Per far partire un gioco dovrei settare lo schermo a 1920 x 1080 solo che non ci riesco, non riesco nemmeno a trovare la cartella indicata, non so cos'è system.reg e non so come invertire quei dati in modo che diventino quelli del mio schermo...

The resolution was set to 1280x800 - if you want to change it to another widecreen value you have to open system.reg in /Users/YOU/Library/Preferences/The Elder Scrolls Morrowind GOTY Preferences/ and look for these lines:

"Screen Depth"=dword:00000020

"Screen Height"=dword:00000320

"Screen Width"=dword:00000500

be aware that these are all hex-values, so you have to use to convert decimal to hexadecimal numbers.

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