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Ielts 6.5 o Toefl ibt 93?


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Quale dei due esami è piu' facile da sostenere? mi sto iscrivendo ad una specialistica in inghilterra e questi sono i requisiti linguistici. qual'è piu' semplice dei due? e un'altra domanda, per chi è piu efferato riguardo l'ielts... è possibile iscriversi anche se il termine è scaduto? c'è una sessione il 5sett a roma ma le iscrizioni sono finite il 24 luglio. io ho fretta perche mi hanno anticipato il termine per la presentazione della documentazione, altrimenti avrei fatto l'esame intorno al 20 a pescara

grazie in anticipo a tutti

Farei di nuovo affari con: Cerion86, Gianni_iMac, i-mesh, mubasa, romaticdreamer25, Batrax, moonix, Damile, damn84, Hyper_tognac, Natan2807, Meloncino, Ron01, Tosa

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Hi there... so I have to take one of these tests with a score of 6.5 for the itels or 93 for the ibt toefl.

Which one do you suggest me? I mean... which one is easier to pass? I have also another question: is it possible to register for the ielts even if the term to do that expired? I saw that there's a session on sept 5 but the deadline was on july 23. do i have any chance to take that test anyway? i have this problem because the english university i have applied to asked me to send them the documentation in advance so now i have to hurry

thanks everyone

Farei di nuovo affari con: Cerion86, Gianni_iMac, i-mesh, mubasa, romaticdreamer25, Batrax, moonix, Damile, damn84, Hyper_tognac, Natan2807, Meloncino, Ron01, Tosa

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Hi dmirab,

I would like to get one me too but I still have to looking for all the information. I have the idea that the toefl is more american and the ielts more english but I'm not sure if the test is more with Uk idiomatical expressions or american expressions or just grammar and so on.

I knew that the ielts was more difficult because it used to test the oral too rather than the toefl didn't do it but I've read that right now also the toefl tests the oral so!

I also have the idea that the toefl lasts 2 years rather than the ielts is illimitated. One time you get it is for all life.

Usually, who manage the examens are private centres with authorization from the main one, so if they still have places available they could let you in but it's up to them.

If I went to Uk I would chose the ielts.

Let's see if other users know more about your question.


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thanks... i would take the ielts too but i think i won't be able to! the term to sign for the session of sept 5 is expired in late july so if they won't accept my form i will have to take the toefl in rimini some days later.

Farei di nuovo affari con: Cerion86, Gianni_iMac, i-mesh, mubasa, romaticdreamer25, Batrax, moonix, Damile, damn84, Hyper_tognac, Natan2807, Meloncino, Ron01, Tosa

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they said it's the same... doesn't matter if i take the ielts or the toefl.

anyway i think i must take the toefl because i can't get to speak to the british council in rome as they are closed in august and i can't ask them to take the ielts in rome in september

Farei di nuovo affari con: Cerion86, Gianni_iMac, i-mesh, mubasa, romaticdreamer25, Batrax, moonix, Damile, damn84, Hyper_tognac, Natan2807, Meloncino, Ron01, Tosa

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