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Risposte pubblicato da ughetta

  1. Hey, hey, hey. Quì si paral di sound!!!

    Non è che c'è qualcuno a cui piace il genere Blues (Chicago Style)?

    Mi piacerebbe trovare qualcuno in zona da me (nel Milanese), che lo suona, per potermi aggregare, ma in maniera amatoriale, tanto per divertirsi il sabato o la domenica pomeriggio.:ghghgh:

    P.S. Io suono l'armonica.:ghghgh:

    Forse potrei fornirti un contatto a Milano! Fammi sapere...:)


    io sono bigdamy...manco a dirlo...


    Se vuoi aggiungimi ai contatti, il mio nick è LukeZeus :P

    Ci sono anch'io su Quanti siamo di Italia Mac?

  2. N. young out on the weekend

    Think I'll pack it in

    and buy a pick-up

    Take it down to L.A.

    Find a place to call my own

    and try to fix up.

    Start a brand new day.

    The woman I'm thinking of,

    she loved me all up

    But I'm so down today

    She's so fine, she's in my mind.

    I hear her callin'.

    See the lonely boy,

    out on the weekend

    Trying to make it pay.

    Can't relate to joy,

    he tries to speak and

    Can't begin to say.

    She got pictures on the wall,

    they make me look up

    From her big brass bed.

    Now I'm running down the road

    trying to stay up

    Somewhere in her head.

    The woman I'm thinking of,

    she loved me all up

    But I'm so down today

    She's so fine she's in my mind.

    I hear her callin'.

    See the lonely boy,

    out on the weekend

    Trying to make it pay.

    Can't relate to joy,

    he tries to speak and

    Can't begin to say.

  3. P. Glass, Changing opinion


    we became aware

    of a hum in the room

    an electrical hum in the room

    It went mmmmmm

    We followed it from

    corner to corner

    We pressed out ears

    against the walls

    We crossed diagonals

    and put our hands on the floor

    It went mmmmmm

    Sometimes it was

    a murmur

    Sometimes it was

    a pulse

    Sometimes it seemed

    to disappear

    But then with a quarter-turn

    of the head

    it would roll around the sofa

    A nimbus humming cloud


    Maybe it's the hum

    of a calm refrigerator

    cooling on a big night

    Maybe it's the hum

    of our parents' voices

    long ago in a soft light


    Maybe it's the hum

    of changing opinion

    or a foreign language

    in prayer

    Maybe it's the mantra

    of the walls and wiring

    Deep breathing

    in soft air


  4. stavo pensando di aprire una discussione dedicata a proposte artistico-culturali, tipo mostre, manifestazioni, eventi etc...

    visto che però volevo evitare dei doppioni, mi chiedevo:

    che voi sappiate nel forum, c'è già qualcosa del genere??

    ho cercato un pò, ma non ho trovato niente, magari voi che conoscete molto meglio di me il forum, e anche da più tempo, sapete qualcosa più di me...

    grazie fin d'ora per la collaborazione...:ghghgh::fiorellino:

    non so ma sarebbe una bella discussione!:gira:

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