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  • Freak_Irish_Sister


  • StoneColdCrazy


  • federangelo


  • macgiov


Candy - Paolo Nutini

"...and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody!!!..."

Membro Onorario del Turbo Club

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Three Little Birds di Zio Bob....è il brano del giorno, stamani mi sono svegliato con un bel piccione sul balcone (che fa per tre piccoli uccelli :ghghgh:) e la giornata va a gonfie vele, sarà vero? :haha:

«Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won't have time to make them all yourself» A. Sheinwold

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I Can Se Clearly Now - Johnny Nash

"...and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody!!!..."

Membro Onorario del Turbo Club

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Faith No More - King for a day (1995)


Ut sementem feceri ita metes - Cicerone

La gente è strana: si infastidisce sempre per cose banali, e poi dei problemi gravi come il totale spreco della propria esistenza, sembra accorgersene a stento.

Charles Bukowski

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Candy - Paolo Nutini

"...and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody!!!..."

Membro Onorario del Turbo Club

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Powerless - Nelly Furtado

"...and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody!!!..."

Membro Onorario del Turbo Club

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Orchestra - The Servant

"...and please remember people, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still some things that make us all the same. You, me them, everybody, everybody!!!..."

Membro Onorario del Turbo Club

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