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Quale canzone state ascoltando in questo momento?


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negli anni che ci aspettano

nell'esaltante idea

di te, di me

io credo.


che ai limiti più limpidi

del mondo arriverò

con chi mi fu vicina

nel silenzio mio di prima.

C'era forse amore e finalmente

là mi abbandonai

non saprei se c'era o no

forse allora solo in te

poi l'abbraccio della dolce e nuova

sicurezza tua

quand'ero inesistente ormai

e grazie a te mi risvegliai.


da bimbo mi insegnarono

a non pensare mai

perché si vive bene.


pensieri e idee rinascono

di tutto ho voglia io

ormai il tempo è mio sono io che esisto

e credo.

Per difendere la nostra intesa

contro un mondo che

respinge una come te

c'e forza ed anche rabbia in me.

Tutti quanti sono grandi

nella loro dignità

son giusti forse più di noi

ma voglio amore e tu ne hai.

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  • Freak_Irish_Sister


  • StoneColdCrazy


  • federangelo


  • macgiov


See the stone set in your eyes

See the thorn twist in your side

I wait for you

Sleight of hand and twist of fate

On a bed of nails she makes me wait

And I wait without you

With or without you

With or without you

Through the storm we reach the shore

You give it all but I want more

And I'm waiting for you

With or without you

With or without you

I can't live

With or without you

And you give yourself away

And you give yourself away

And you give

And you give

And you give yourself away

My hands are tied

My body bruised, she's got me with

Nothing to win and

Nothing left to lose

And you give yourself away

And you give yourself away

And you give

And you give

And you give yourself away

With or without you

With or without you

I can't live

With or without you


With or without you

With or without you

I can't live

With or without you

Non ti voglio vendere nulla...vieni a trovarmi!

Club Acer Aspire One: tessera n. 3 - UBUNTU -

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nofx - franco unamerican

«Per un vero fotografo una storia non è un indirizzo a cui recarsi con delle macchine sofisticate e i filtri giusti. Una storia vuol dire leggere, studiare, prepararsi. Fotografare vuol dire cercare nelle cose quel che uno ha capito con la testa. La grande foto è l’immagine di un’idea.» Tiziano Terzani

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When I look back upon my life

It's always with a sense of shame

I've always been the one to blame

For everything I long to do

No matter when or where or who

Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

It's a sin

Everything I've ever done

Everything I ever do

Every place I've ever been

Everywhere I'm going to

It's a sin

At school they taught me how to be

So pure in thought and word and deed

They didn't quite succeed

For everything I long to do

No matter when or where or who

Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

It's a sin

Everything I've ever done

Everything I ever do

Every place I've ever been

Everywhere I'm going to

It's a sin

Father, forgive me, I tried not to do it

Turned over a new leaf, then tore right through it

Whatever you taught me, I didn't believe it

Father, you fought me, 'cause I didn't care

And I still don't understand

So I look back upon my life

Forever with a sense of shame

I've always been the one to blame

For everything I long to do

No matter when or where or who

Has one thing in common, too

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

It's a sin

Everything I've ever done

Everything I ever do

Every place I've ever been

Everywhere I'm going to - it's a sin

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a sin

(Confiteor Deo omnipotenti vobis fratres, quia peccavi nimis cogitatione,

verbo, opere et omissione, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa)

[trans. "I confess to almighty god,

and to you my brothers,

that I have sinned exceedingly

in thought, word, act and omission,

through my fault, through my fault,

through my most grievous fault"]


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Poi, ho visto gli occhi tuoi

Rotolando verso casa

Chiamare i miei

Che bella sei

Che belle fai

Le belle sera

Sai, ho visto gli occhi tuoi

Quando scende

La bellezza

In fondo al cuore

Come vorrei……

Come sei bella

Flying away

Tu scendi da una stella

Flying away

Cosi’ talmente bella

Flying away……

Poi, ho visto gli occhi suoi

Come grano in mano al vento

Son ciliegie del mio pianto

Cosi’ tanto io ti sento

Sai, ho visto te con lui

Quando scende

La tristezza

In fondo al cuore

Come vorrei…

Come sei bella

Flying away

Tu scendi da una stella

Flying away

Cosi’ talmente bella

Flying away…..


Che il vento

Ti porta via


Che il cielo


Quando scende

La tristezza

E invade gli occhi

Come vorrei……

Come sei bella

Flying away

Tu scendi da una stella

Flying away

Cosi’ talmente bella

Flying away……

Cosi’ talmente bella

Flying away…….

E te ne vai

Te ne vai

Te ne vai.

Bisogna avere in sé il caos per partorire una stella danzante!!!

Amo gli uomini che cadono, se non altro perché sono quelli che attraversano!

Il Blog di Bimbetta: elaborazione DSM V.

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Here I go out to sea again

The sunshine fills my hair

And dreams hang in the air

Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes

You know it feels unfair

There’s magic everywhere

Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

The sun’s in your eyes

The heat is in your hear

They seem to hate you

Because you’re there

And I need a friend

Oh I need a friend to make me happy

Not stand here on my own

Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

I need a friend

Oh I need a friend

To make me happy

Not so alone

Look at me standing

Here on my own again

Up straight in the sunshine

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

No need to laugh and cry

It’s a wonderful wonderful life

Wonderful life

Wonderful life


Bisogna avere in sé il caos per partorire una stella danzante!!!

Amo gli uomini che cadono, se non altro perché sono quelli che attraversano!

Il Blog di Bimbetta: elaborazione DSM V.

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Stone... questo è il video degli Elii che ti dicevo...


Poddo: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram) | HD ext. MiniPod M9 200GB | HD ext. Iomega 500GB | Mast. DVD ext. Lacie D2 | Logitech S530

iDiot: iPod Video 30GB Black | iPisolo: iPod Nano "2nd gen" 4GB | iGongolo: iPod Nano "3th gen" 4GB

iSan: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram): R.I.P. (09/09/2006 - 24/11/2008)

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Sì sì Alex, è proprio quello che ho scaricato dal loro sito! :DD

Non so se hai decodificato il rebus della videocassetta stile "The Ring"... ;)

In ascolto:

Las Palabras De Amor (The Words Of Love) - Queen (da "Hot Space", 1982)

«Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me»
iPad 3 16Gb Wi-Fi / MacBook CoreDuo 2GHz , 2Gb RAM / iPod Nano 3g 4Gb / iPod Shuffle 1g 512Mb

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Sono geniali!

Roberto Ciotti... Walking (tutto il cd)

Poddo: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram) | HD ext. MiniPod M9 200GB | HD ext. Iomega 500GB | Mast. DVD ext. Lacie D2 | Logitech S530

iDiot: iPod Video 30GB Black | iPisolo: iPod Nano "2nd gen" 4GB | iGongolo: iPod Nano "3th gen" 4GB

iSan: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram): R.I.P. (09/09/2006 - 24/11/2008)

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love Walks In - Van Halen

Adoro i Van Halen... ci sono cresciuto (ma anche con tanti altri...) e li ascolto sempre con piacere...

Poddo: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram) | HD ext. MiniPod M9 200GB | HD ext. Iomega 500GB | Mast. DVD ext. Lacie D2 | Logitech S530

iDiot: iPod Video 30GB Black | iPisolo: iPod Nano "2nd gen" 4GB | iGongolo: iPod Nano "3th gen" 4GB

iSan: Mac Mini Intel 1.5Ghz (2GB ram): R.I.P. (09/09/2006 - 24/11/2008)

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Listen to the ground,

there is movement all around,

there is something going down

and I can feel it.

On the waves of the air,

there is dancing out there.

If it's something we can share,

we can steal it.

And the sweet city woman,

she moves through the light,

controlling my mind and my soul.

When you reach out for me, yeah,

and the feeling is bright.

Then I get night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it (oh).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.

Here I am,

praying for this moment to last,

living on the music so fine,

borne on the wind,

making it mine.

Night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it (oh).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it.

In the heat of our love,

don't need no help for us to make it.

Gimme just enough to take us to the morning.

I got fire in my mind.

I get higher in my walking.

And I'm glowing in the dark,

I give you warning.

And the sweet city woman,

she moves through the light,

controlling my mind and my soul.

When you reach out for me, yeah,

and the feeling is bright.

Then I get night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it.

(it feels like forever, baby, don't you know)

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it (ooh).

Here I am,

praying for this moment to last,

living on the music so fine,

borne on the wind,

making it mine.

Night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it

(it feels like forever, baby, don't you know).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it

(I'll leave you never, baby, don't you know).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it

(it feels like forever, baby, don't you know).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to show it

(I'll leave you never, baby, don't you know).

Gimme that night fever, night fever.

We know how to do it....

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Don't look back

A new day is breakin'

It's been too long since I felt this way

I don't mind where I get taken

The road is callin'

Today is the day

I can see

It took so long to realize

I'm much too strong

Not to comprimise

Now I see what I am is holding me down

I'll turn it around

I finally see the dawn arrivin'

I see beyond the road I'm drivin'

Far away and left behind

It's a new horizon and I'm awakin' now

Oh I see myself in a brand new way

The sun is shinin'

the clouds are breakin'

'Canse I can't lose now, there's no game to play

I can tell

There's no more time left to criticize

I've seen what I could not recognize

Everthing in my life was leading me on

but I can be strong

I finally see the dawn arrivin'

I see beyond the road I'm drivin'

Far away and left behind

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Ho venduto al mondo

le mie belle idee

ed ho fatto bene

come vedi mi conviene.

Per due frasi giuste

dentro una poesia

ti concedi tutta

con amore, quale amore?

Cara bellissima e ancora di più

cos'altro dire di te potrei

comunque tu sia

ti meriti un'altra poesia.

Cara bellissima e ancora di più

cos'altro fare per te potrei

spiegarti dovrei

che neanche i miei sguardi sono miei.

Quando cambia il vento

saprò cambiare anch'io

poi mi siedo e invento

tanto amore lo so fare.

Cara bellissima e ancora di più

guarda è lo stesso anche adesso qui

per breve che sia

è bello che tu sia stata mia.

Cara bellissima e ancora di più

cos'altro dirti di me potrei

chiunque tu sia

non voglio vederti andare via.

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