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ho scritto il codice di questa pagina html....

ho fatto le varie prove browser....

sul mac (safari ed explorer) i link nella pagina non funzionano e non mi caricano le pagine esterne nell'iframe corrispondente....

posto il codice....mi aiutate? :roll: grazie mille....

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


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function st1(a,id){




if (i<90){setTimeout('st1('+i+','+id+')',1)}return(i)}

function st2(a,id){




if (i>50){setTimeout('st2('+i+','+id+')',1)}}

function aus(){

for (z=1;z<=5;z++){





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<DIV class=b id=2 onmouseover=st1(20,2) onmouseout=st2(80,2)>support</DIV></A>

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width="100%"><TD></TR></TD></TABLE></DIV><A href="">

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<DIV class=d id=4 onmouseover=st1(20,4) onmouseout=st2(80,4)>contact</DIV></A>

<DIV class=bs id=a2><TABEL><TR><TD></TABLE></DIV><A href="">

<DIV class=e id=5 onmouseover=st1(20,5) onmouseout=st2(80,5)>order</DIV></A>

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A quanto ho letto proprio stamattina, Mozilla (e forse anche Netscape 7.2) è l'unico browser Mac noto per supportare correttamente iframe.

Safari attualmente non ha alcun supporto e così anche IE 5 Mac.

hic manebimus optime

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Passato da Icab 2.9 e da SEEdit

file://localhost/Dalmatian HD/Documenti/NewDocument5.htm

Altogether 49 errors found. Only 25 errors are listed below.

JavaScript Error (56/26): Cannot create an object from the "null" value

JavaScript Error (61/46): "nedstatbasic": Invalid reference (function/object/variable not defined?)

Error (65/1): ID/NAME tokens must start with a letter and must contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, "_", "-", ":", ".".

Warning (65/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOVER" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (65/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOUT" must be enclosed in quotes.

Error (65/1): <A> must not contain block level elements like <DIV>.

Error (66/21): The tag <TABEL> is not part of HTML 4.0.

Error (66/28): The end tag </DIV> is missing.

Error (66/28): <TR> is only allowed inside tables.

Error (66/32): The end tag </DIV> is missing.

Error (66/32): <TD> is only allowed inside tables.

Error (66/36): The start tag for </TABLE> can't be found.

Error (68/1): ID/NAME tokens must start with a letter and must contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, "_", "-", ":", ".".

Warning (68/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOVER" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (68/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOUT" must be enclosed in quotes.

Error (68/1): <A> must not contain block level elements like <DIV>.

Error (69/21): The tag <TABEL> is not part of HTML 4.0.

Error (69/28): In the tag <TR> the attribute "HEIGHT" is not allowed.

Error (69/28): In the tag <TR> the attribute "WIDTH" is not allowed.

Error (69/28): The end tag </DIV> is missing.

Error (69/28): <TR> is only allowed inside tables.

Error (70/14): The end tag </DIV> is missing.

Error (70/14): <TD> is only allowed inside tables.

Error (70/18): The start tag for </TR> can't be found.

Error (70/23): The start tag for </TD> can't be found.

Error (70/28): The start tag for </TABLE> can't be found.

Error (71/1): ID/NAME tokens must start with a letter and must contain only the characters A-Z, a-z, "_", "-", ":", ".".

Warning (71/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOVER" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (71/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOUT" must be enclosed in quotes.

Error (71/1): <A> must not contain block level elements like <DIV>.

Error (72/21): The tag <TABEL> is not part of HTML 4.0.

Warning (73/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOVER" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (73/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOUT" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (75/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOVER" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (75/1): In the tag <DIV> the value of the attribute "ONMOUSEOUT" must be enclosed in quotes.

Warning (86/1): The attribute "HEIGHT" is not allowed for the tag <TABLE>.

Warning (86/1): The attribute "BACKGROUND" is not allowed for the tag <TABLE>.

Un Mac è per sempre !

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beh, il validatore di iCab (ma anche quello del W3C) talvolta è sin troppo fiscale.

Ad esempio, segnala la mancata chiusura di alcuni tag <div> che invece è presente nel codice. Alcuni tag, piuttosto, sembrano tradire origini proprietarie o "foreste" come l'inusuale (per me) <TABEL>.

hic manebimus optime

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