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Disinstallare photoshop BETA!!!???

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Ho una cortesia da chiedere... devo installare la versione completa di photoshop... ma c'è un problema... :confused: io avevo installato una beta, ed ora, una volta cancellata, non mi installa la full perchè dice che l'installazione va in conflitto col la seguente applicazione: Adobe Photoshop CS3... :DD

Chi ha già risolto il problema potrebbe gentilmente aiutarmi??? :D

Grazie! :D

Mac Pro 6.1 - Mac Book Pro 15" - Canon 5D mark IV
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qui c'è lo script

E qui c'è un estratto del read me:

Mac OS:

a) Note: There is new uninstall functionality on Macintosh.

Do NOT drag applications to the trash to uninstall.

:confused: To safely uninstall on Mac OS X, double-click the product installer in

Applications/Utilities/Adobe Installers.

c) Authenticate as an administrator, then select Uninstall Components and follow the

on-screen instructions.

d) Repeat for each CS3 program or suite that you wish to uninstall.

3. Delete all of your preferences files before installing the shipping version.

a) Go to Users/<user_name>/Library/Preferences and delete files and folders with CS3

in the name.

:DD Go to Library/Application Support/Adobe, and delete files and folders with CS3 in the


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