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Commenti Profilo pubblicato da SabinoPiero

  1. Install CryptoTab and mine Bitcoin!

  2. I’m playing a game called @hqtrivia! You should play too. Use my code ‘Pierre90’ to sign up…

  3. @iFixit Hi, I repaired the cable of the iPhone that was damaged with heat-shrinking sheaths, in doing so I damaged…

  4. @visual_path Thank you

  5. @vscodetips @vscodetricks hi, which tool do I need to install to test a node.js app in the browser and then test it with heroku?

  6. @GS1italy Dopo essermi registrato sul sito, voi mi inviate una serie di codici e da quest’ultimi devo creare il cod…

  7. @TIM4USara Buonasera, sarebbe possibile capire se un altro numero fisso diverso dal mio è attivo?

  8. @iFixit Hi, has anyone ever repaired an ez-3000 smartkeyboard?

  9. @iFixit

  10. @iFixit who is the winner of the contest?

  11. @Mickszwoper @hqtrivia the winnings are divided between the various winners

  12. @HackSpaceMag Hi, how can I check where the magazine I order is located?

  13. @LinusTech @LGElectronics fabulous

  14. @iFixit will there be other contests in the future?

  15. @MSFT_Business If I have the kit for Raspberry Pi 3, it needs to buy however?

  16. @apogeonline Gli sconti del 50% non vengono applicati in iTunes?

  17. @TIM4UGiulia Gentilmente, potrebbe indicarmi un negozio TIM a Turi, CAP 70010

  18. @iFixit In the US store there are all types of pliers, but I want to spend 20 € for a pliers kit, what brand do I suggest?

  19. undefined

  20. @ESP8266 How can I realize a wireless sensor with esp8266 and a RPi 3?

  21. MacBook Pro - Buy MacBook Pro with 13-inch, 15-inch or Retina display - Apple Store (U.S.) via @fancy

  22. RT @sportnotizie24: Estrarremo tra i nostri follower un iPhone 6 a fine campionato per vincerlo seguici e Retweetta questo tweet http://t.c…

  23. Come join me on @treehouse and get 50% off your first month!

  24. Mac Setups: MacBook Pro with Dual Cinema Displays via @fancy

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